Science Researcher Update

D51 Effective Clinical Trial Project Management

Written by Stela BCI | Oct 17, 2015 6:36:15 AM
Workshop - Saunderton, United Kingdom
This practical course provides delegates with basic project management techniques that can be applied to clinical trial project management. Learning is through a combination of trainer input, discussion groups and exercises. There will be a workshop where delegates will develop a plan for tracking and managing a clinical trial case study. Delegates will receive a comprehensive course workbook.
This course is designed for those who are new to the role of clinical trial project manager and wish to gain an insight into basic project management techniques.
Organization: Institute of Clinical Reseach
D51 Effective Clinical Trial Project Management
Tue, Nov 10, 2015 - Thu, Nov 12, 2015
The Clare Foundation
Saunderton HP14 4HU, United Kingdom
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