Science Researcher Update

Cell Symposium: Human Genomics

Written by Stela BCI | Aug 12, 2015 12:05:00 PM
Symposium - Singapore, Singapore
Advances in sequencing technology have revolutionized our ability to define the genetic components of human health and disease, and the accumulating data continue to refine our understanding of the mechanisms underlying both complex and Mendelian disorders. It is becoming increasingly clear that diseases previously thought of as uniform disorders, including cancer and many psychiatric diseases, vary significantly from patient to patient and that the heritability of disorders is influenced by epigenetics and the environment. In light of these complexities, genomic research and testing are central to advancing personalized medicine.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together leading researchers investigating a variety of aspects related to human disease through genomic approaches, share their findings, and offer insights on future avenues for research and treatment. We will also highlight some of the technological breakthroughs that are pushing this field forward. We hope that this symposium will foster discussion not only of the findings that have already come from genomics but also of the discoveries that are now within our reach.
Organization: Cell Press
Cell Symposium: Human Genomics
Sun, Nov 08, 2015 - Tue, Nov 10, 2015
Genome Institute of Singapore
Singapore, Singapore
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