Science Researcher Update

Cell Symposium - Hallmarks of Cancer: Asia

Written by Stela BCI | Nov 3, 2014 8:45:26 PM
Symposium - Beijing, China
As one of the most investigated areas in biomedical research, the cancer field is rapidly advancing by translating biological insights towards better detection and therapeutics, including molecular classifications as well as immunotherapies. In the era of the genetically informed, emerging concepts in cancer biology and oncology research are colliding into precision medicine. In order to accelerate the development of personalized cancer therapies and further translate fundamental discoveries into the clinic, there must be open lines of communication at the interface between the lab and the clinic.
Symposium themes:
•Understanding cancer hallmarks – new frontiers
•Cancer hallmarks as therapeutic targets
•Tumor immunology and immunotherapy
•Clinical progress and obstacles
•Managing cancer in the “omics” era
Organization: Cell Press
Cell Symposium - Hallmarks of Cancer: Asia
Sun, Nov 09, 2014 - Tue, Nov 11, 2014
Beijing, China
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