Science Researcher Update

Biotherapeutics - Innovative Future Medicines

Written by Stela BCI | Jul 24, 2015 10:26:21 AM
Conference - London, United Kingdom
In the last decades, biotherapeutics have become a valuable and integral part of modern medicine to treat severe diseases such as cancer, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. The first use of biotechnological methods was for the production of insulin. Since then many biotherapeutic medicines have been developed for the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer and many autoimmune diseases and multiple rare diseases. Biotherapeutics are especially attractive due to their highly targeted and specific nature and their relatively low safety risk.
This one day meeting will focus on the recent progress made in the fast moving field of biotherapeutics. Experts from academia and industry will highlight the latest development in this exciting area of research.
Organization: Society of Medicines Research
Biotherapeutics - Innovative Future Medicines
Thu, Oct 08, 2015 - Thu, Oct 08, 2015
National Heart and Lung Institute
Dovehouse St, South Kensington, London, United Kingdom
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