Science Researcher Update

Academic Innovators Congress 2014

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 4, 2014 7:01:00 PM


Congress - Dublin, Ireland

Trinity College Dublin, working in close collaboration with SELECTBIO are proud to announce the inaugural Academic Innovators Congress. This Initiative has been devised with the sole aim of providing a point of interaction where academic entrepreneurs at all stages (i) Can meet with their peers from across Europe to explore the formation of collaborations and strategic commercial partnership. (ii) Attend lectures and workshops provided by world leading experts from both the academic and industrial sectors covering a wide range of topics relevant to academics entering this arena. (iii) Meet and discuss commercialisation plans with specialists in business startup and development. In addition to this we will provide the opportunity for companies and entrepreneurs to make a short presentation to the conference and potential investors, detailing their product, service or idea.

To maintain focus we are restricting the scope of this event to products and services related to the following areas:
- Life Sciences
- Biomedical
- Drug Discovery
- Medical Devices

Organization: SELECTBIO

Academic Innovators Congress

Tue, Jun 24, 2014 - Wed, Jun 25, 2014

Institute of Molecular Medicine

Trinity Health Sciences, St James Hospital Campus, Department of Clinical Medicine, St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

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