Science Researcher Update

“Assembly and Disassembly of the Nervous System” Workshop

Written by Stela BCI | Dec 13, 2014 9:40:16 PM
Workshop - Rehovot, Israel
Over the past decade, neurobiologists witnessed the rapid development of diverse and groundbreaking approaches to study the neural development, the formation, the reshaping of neural networks and the tuning of neuronal activities both in vivo and in vitro. These advances were made possible by the effort from several scientific fields and are going to offer the unique opportunity to understand the mechanisms of brain functions and to design therapeutic strategy tackling neuropathologies. Neurobiology is often focused at the function of neurons, their electrophysiological properties, their connectivity and the plasticity of the network to change and learning. However, neurons are intriguing cellular entities due to their unique morphology and size, attracting many molecular cell biologists to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying their development, maintenance, degeneration, regeneration and more.
The workshop will provide the students with a series of lectures given by a selected panel of experts on the molecular basis of many aspect of neurobiology ranging from development, synaptic plasticity, brain disorders and regenerative medicine. This meeting format has been running successfully for several years and is supported by the Feinberg Graduate School at the Weizmann Institute of Science. We see this conference as an opportunity for students from Israel and around the world to meet and present their work in a welcoming environment along with leading scientists in neurobiology
Organization: Weizmann Institute of Science
Assembly & Disassembly of the Nervous System
Mon, Jan 19, 2015 - Wed, Jan 21, 2015
Weizmann Institute of Science
Lopatie Conference Centre, 234 Herzl Street, Rehovot, Israel
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