Science Researcher Update

Asian Oncology Summit 2015

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 23, 2015 12:56:00 PM
Conference - Shanghai, China
The Asian Oncology Summit will comprise multiple parallel suites, each dedicated to different subspecialties. The main topics of the meeting include breast cancer, endocrine-system cancers, gastrointestinal cancer, genitourinary cancer, gynaecological cancer, haematological cancer, head and neck cancer, neuro-oncology, paediatric oncology, thoracic oncology, sarcoma, skin cancer, epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control, supportive and palliative care, molecular imaging, and health-care systems and policy. Each suite will offer a didactic overview on the trends, management, and challenges faced within the Asian context.
The programme will also have plenary lectures by renowned international and regional speakers, and will also feature oral and e-poster presentations of submitted abstracts.
The conference will offer a rare opportunity for oncologists in Asia to come together in an accessible location for interaction with, and learning from, regional opinion leaders and key oncologists from around the world. The mix of speakers will facilitate an authoritative discussion on the local challenges in the field of oncology, and offer an opportunity to develop a consensus on the most appropriate treatment regimens and interventions needed to tackle the growing cancer burden in Asia.
Organization: Elsevier Ltd
Asian Oncology Summit 2015
Fri, Apr 10, 2015 - Sun, Apr 12, 2015
Shanghai International Convention Center
Shanghai, China
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