Science Researcher Update

8th International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous system

Written by Stela BCI | Jan 7, 2015 3:41:00 PM
Conference - Torino, Italy
The 8th International meeting on Steroids and Nervous System, which will once again be held in Torino, between February 14th-18th, 2015.
As during the previous meetings, we will address state-of-the-art approaches in the field of steroids and nervous system, including behavior, epigenetics, genomic and non-genomic actions, aging, synaptic connectivity, psychiatric disorders. A satellite symposium entirely dedicated to "Gender influence on neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders" will be held the day 14.
We will have 3 keynote lectures, 7 half day symposia, one special lecture on innovative advances in neurosteroid research and interactive poster discussions during the coffee and lunch sessions.
Current perspectives on neurobehavioral sexual dimorphisms
Neurological consequences of disordered steroid signaling
Could men and women undergoing (early) menopause benefit from specific phytoestrogenic products to reduce later life dementia risk?
Stress in pregnancy: long-term effects on steroid pathways
Neuroactive steroids and glial cells
GABA-A receptor modulating steroid antagonists (GAMSA). A new treatment concept for CNS disorders.
Locally derived estradiol in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus enhances memory and blocks deleterious effects of stress
Organization: Fondazione Cavalieri-Ottolenghi
8th International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous system
Sat, Feb 14, 2015 - Wed, Feb 18, 2015
Dept. Clinical and Biological Sciences
Regione Gonzole 10, Orbassano (Torino), Italy
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