Science Researcher Update

4th Sardinian Summer School Course "From GWAS to Function"

Written by Stela BCI | May 12, 2015 2:26:00 PM
Course - Pula, Italy
The objective of the course is to develop specific competences and skills for academic work and research in the area of genomics. The programme consists of lectures and practical sessions (workshops) which are geared toward moving from GWAS data to functional studies. The focus will be on creating the maximum possible interaction among lecturers and participants.
The lectures are planned to give overviews of new approaches to genetic variation studies and to apply this information to different areas of research, in particular related to complex and monogenic traits. Special emphasis will be given to recent progress resulting from genome-wide association studies, which will serve as a starting point to analyze the genetic control of traits by integrating biological principles of trait formation and the impact of functional information on variations.
To complement and reinforce the lectures, the workshops will consist of theoretical demonstrations as well as practical tasks carried out using a variety of computer programs. The workshops will present applicable tools on the different topics covered during the course. In particular, they will include a discussion of population genetic analyses, different study designs, methods to analyse GWAS data, analysis of low pass and deep coverage whole genome DNA sequencing data, statistical methods for imputation, analysis of exome sequencing data, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the transcriptome, epigenome and other related issues.
Organization: University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Italy)
Mon, Jun 22, 2015 - Fri, Jun 26, 2015
Polaris Technology Park,
Pula (Cagliari, Sardinia), Italy
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