Science Researcher Update

4th Due Diligence Summit for Life Sciences

Written by BCI Staff | May 3, 2017 10:00:00 PM

Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: 4th Due Diligence Summit for Life Sciences

This conference will highlight the latest Mergers and Acquisitions trends in the market, educate due diligence professionals on the different aspects and challenges faced by cross-functional team members, and provide attendees with the strategies and insight they need to effectively conduct thorough due diligence to ensure a profitable investment in a new product, portfolio, company or strategic alliance.

This is an event for due diligence professionals to convene with their functional counterparts to discuss the best ways to work across their organization, as well as with external advisors.

Reasons to Attend:

  1. Create and deploy an effective gap analysis to help identify gaps in the product portfolio and regulatory standards
  2. Gain valuable insight from cross-functional due diligence team members, as well as leaders in the medical device and biotech industries
  3. Understand how to develop strategic objectives for a deal and accelerate synergies to ensure a high-performance organization
  4. Learn how to evaluate and effectively manage strategic alliances through case studies from industry leaders
  5. Evaluate the scope, validity and enforceability of a target’s patents

This conference is designed for representatives from pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology companies.

Hyatt Regency Boston

Boston, MA

Thursday, May 18, 2017 to Friday, May 19, 2017