Science Researcher Update

3rd 3D Models & Drug Screening Conference (May 11-12, 2016, Berlin, Germany)

Written by Stela BCI | Apr 27, 2016 7:59:44 AM


Conference - Berlin, Germany
We invite you to attend the 3rd 3D Models & Drug Screening Conference, which will take place on May 11-12, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. 

Over the years, three-dimensional (3D) models have become favored over two-dimensional models (2D) because they better mimic the in vivo environment. Though 3D models have the potential to reduce failure in early stage drug discovery, there are still many questions to be answered. How can we increase the physiological relevance of 3D models? What is the predictability of 3D models in translational medicine?

This meeting will bring together researchers from across multiple disciplines, from both industry and academia, to discuss how to engineer better 3D models for drug development, along with the new tools and technologies for screening, validation, and functional analyses of these 3D models. Colleagues will have the opportunity to network in an intimate and accessible environment to exchange ideas and form successful collaborations.

Organization: GTCbio (
For more information, please visit:
May 11-12, 2016
Berlin, Germany
Contact: Kristen Starkey (
Phone: 16262566405
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