Science Researcher Update

2nd Bioanalytic Sensors Conference

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 27, 2015 4:32:38 PM
Conference - Berlin, Germany
We invite you to the attend the 2nd Bioanalytic Sensors Conference, which will take place on May 5 - 6, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. 
This premier conference will host an exciting group of professionals from the academic, biotech, pharmaceutical, and business communities, and will focus on the latest discoveries in the Bioanlytical Sensors field. A balance of both academic and industry experts will facilitate discussion on the following areas:

Sessions for the meeting include:
  1. Advances in Sensor Development
  2. Clinical Applications of Bioanalytical Sensors
  3. Nano-material Enabled Sensing
  4. Disposable Sensors & Sensors for Low Resource Environments
  5. Single Molecule Sensing
  6. In Vivo Sensing & Analysis
  7. Mass Spectometry and Immunosensing
  8. Microfluidics
Organization: GTCbio (
For more information, please visit:
May 5, 2015May 6, 2015 (7:30 am - 5:30 pm)
Radisson Blu Hotel, Berlin
Berlin 10178, Germany
Contact: Kristen Starkey (
Phone: 6262566405 
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