Science Researcher Update

26th Jagelman / 36th Turnbull International Colorectal Disease Symposium

Written by Stela BCI | Jan 4, 2015 4:43:00 PM
Symposium - Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States
The Cleveland Clinic Digestive Disease Institute will once again host the Annual Jagelman/Turnbull Colorectal Disease Symposium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This year’s symposium offers a rewarding educational opportunity with approximately 650 registrants from over 64 countries.
The program is designed to provide a comprehensive, in-depth, detailed overview of new, controversial, challenging, and provocative colorectal themes. A live surgery day, an Advanced Transanal Surgery Workshop & Wet Lab, and a day of scientific paper/poster presentations will be offered as additional educational opportunities. The meeting will occur over six comprehensive days, four of which will include 16 scientific sessions, including over 115 podium presentations and 8 hours of interactive panel discussions with challenging questions and informative answers.
In addition, formal exchange amongst the faculty and registrants will be encouraged during breakfast, lunch, and breaks. The topics were selected from surveys conducted during the last several years’ symposia as well as through a variety of expert opinions, literature review, and physician competencies. Therefore, the program is designed to include a mixture of techniques and technologies. Attendance at the symposium will provide the registrants with a detailed analysis of the current status of virtually every major colorectal area. Video demonstrations will help improve competencies and patient outcomes. Both expected and adverse outcomes as well as the recognition and management of such outcomes will be emphasized. Numerous lectures and, in fact, one entire panel, will be centered upon the definitions and optimization of patient outcomes. Interdisciplinary integration amongst surgery, gastroenterology, and pathology will be emphasized.
Optional programs include a Scientific Paper Session with podium, video and poster presentations, Live Surgery Videoconference and Transanal Surgery Hands-on Workshop and Wet Lab.
Organization: Cleveland Clinic Florida
26th Jagelman / 36th Turnbull International Colorectal Disease Symposium
Tue, Feb 10, 2015 - Sun, Feb 15, 2015
Harbor Beach Marriott
3030 Holiday Drive, Fort Lauderdale, United States
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