Science Researcher Update

2016 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting

Written by Stela BCI | Dec 1, 2016 7:35:45 PM


Meeting - San Francisco, CA, United States

ASCB’s first-ever, full-day symposium, designed to familiarize the cell biology community with advances and opportunities in the cancer field, will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2016—the first day of the Annual Meeting, in San Francisco, CA.

The event is jointly organized by ASCB and the National Cancer Institute, with generous funding from Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The program, organized by Alan Ashworth, University of California, San Francisco, and Ira Mellman, Genentech, Inc., will facilitate networking and discussion.

The meeting will cover a broad range of topics of current relevance to cancer to help researchers in cell biology develop a core knowledge of the disease and to identify areas of opportunity in which basic cell biological research promises to profoundly contribute to cancer prevention, treatment, and cure. Cancer treatment is becoming increasingly specialized, with new drugs targeting specific genes and phenotypes of cancer subtypes. However, a cell biology approach to understanding cancer could identify common principles among cancer cells to allow a more pan-cancer approach to treatment.

The program will cover 11 topics in 25-minute talks by experts in the field, with 10 minutes for questions and answers.

Lunch will be provided mid-day. Each cancer expert/speaker will be seated at one roundtable, and participants may rotate to 3 tables of their choosing for 20 minutes at each table. We aim to promote networking and facilitate future collaborations during this lunch session. Following lunch there will be a poster session on cell biology topics with relevance to cancer submitted by young researchers.

For more information, please visit:

Saturday, December 03, 2016 to Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, United States

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