With opening key-notes by Niels Birbaumer and Leigh Hochberg, as well as invited talks by Eberhard Fetz, José Carmena, Nick Ramsey and many other top-scientists in the field, the 2015 International Workshop on Clinical BMI Systems promises to become once again an important milestone meeting for catalyzing advances in basic research and clinical applications.
We are pleased to announce the OPENING OF THE ONLINE REGISTRATION for the 2015 International Workshop on Clinical Brain-Machine Interfaces to be held on March 13th-15th 2015 in Tokyo, Japan.
The workshop will focus on the following main issues:
I. Identifying key challenges in the development, testing and broader implementation of assistive and rehabilitative BMI in clinical environments
II. Defining and establishing the required frameworks to facilitate translational research and development, and
III. Fostering these frameworks, e.g. through formation of an International Clinical BMI Society (as a chapter of the International BCI Society).
2015 International Workshop on Clinical Brain-Machine Interfaces
March 13, 2015 – March 15, 2015
Nadao Hall, Shin-Kasumigaseki Building