Science Researcher Update

2015 IMB Conference on DNA Repair & Genome Stability in a Chromatin Environment

Written by Stela BCI | Apr 19, 2015 8:11:00 AM
Conference - Mainz, Germany
The 2015 IMB Conference will explore cutting edge research in the fields of DNA repair and genome stability within chromatin environments.
The conference will cover local chromatin events and their implications for genome stability, such as the functions of chromatin remodellers and posttranslational modifications in various DNA repair and damage signalling pathways.
The global consequences of chromatin structure, such as the modulation of nuclear dynamics and the relevance of higher-order chromatin for accessibility and damage processing will also be explored.
Scientific talks will be structured into the following themes:
  • DNA damage signalling and checkpoint activation in chromatin
  • Influence of chromatin on damage processing and repair
  • Replication of chromatin in the presence of DNA damage
  • Chromatin dynamics and remodelling in response to DNA damage
The combined expertise represented by the panel of speakers who will present their unpublished research is expected to provide an environment to integrate newly emerging information into conceptual advances in the field.
Organization: Institute of Molecular Biology
2015 IMB Conference "DNA Repair & Genome Stability in a Chromatin Environment"
Thu, Jun 04, 2015 - Sun, Jun 07, 2015
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
Ackermannweg 4, Mainz, Germany
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