Science Researcher Update

2015 Conference on Organic Chemistry (COC 2015)

Written by Stela BCI | May 9, 2015 11:29:00 AM
Conference - Suzhou, China
This Conference will cover issues on Organic Chemistry. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods.
Theoretical organic chemistry
Classification of organic compounds
Properties of organic compounds
Organic reactions
Organic synthesis / Asymmetric synthesis / Drug synthesis
Natural products and heterocyclic chemistry
Organometallic chemistry
Organic photochemistry
Organic geochemistry
Solid-state organic chemistry
Physical organic chemistry
Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry
Macromolecular chemistry
Structure and mechanism
Metal, organic and enzyme catalysis
Organic chemical spectroscopic analysis
Applied organic chemistry / Organic chemical engineering
Novel organic materials (design, synthesis, characterization)
Organic surfaces and their properties
Organic materials for clean energy production and storage
Interfaces in organic electronics
Spintronics in organic materials and nanostructures
Requirements and applications of organic electronics
Organic sensors, towards biomedics
Interaction of organic materials with living matter for implantable biodevices
Organization: Engineering Information Institute
2015 Conference on Organic Chemistry (COC 2015)
Fri, Jun 12, 2015 - Sun, Jun 14, 2015
Youngor central Hotel
Gongxiang 63#, Guanqian business street, Suzhou city., Suzhou, China
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