Science Researcher Update

16th EMB/EMBL Science & Society Conference: Emerging Biotechnologies: Hype, Hope & Hard Reality

Written by Stela BCI | Aug 10, 2015 9:14:00 AM
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
The conference will focus on the impacts of the life sciences on society through the development of biotechnology-based products for health and for sustaining the environment.
The 21st century is sometimes referred to as “the century of biology” because of the potential contributions of the life sciences to virtually all research and consumer sectors. But assessing the outcomes a particular biotechnology may have on society or in research is difficult, due both to the complexities of these technologies, and to the multiple uses they may have. Further, biotechnology developments may be controversial because of ethical, economic and potential safety issues that might arise both in the research leading to these technologies, and in the wide use of the technologies themselves.
The multidisciplinary group of speakers will present some of the most promising developments of biotechnology and discuss their ethical, economic and societal implications.
Organization: CCO EMBL
16th EMBO | EMBL Science and Society Conference: Emerging Biotechnologies: Hype, Hope and Hard Reality
Thu, Nov 05, 2015 - Fri, Nov 06, 2015
EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Meyerhofstr 1, Heidelberg, Germany
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