The BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - 4/23/14
Increase Local and National Brand Visibility
As the leader in producing university and industry based scientific trade shows nationwide we invite you to join us at the BioResearch Product Faire™ event, on the University of Massachusetts, Amherst campus so you can experience the newest laboratory research technologies while networking with top research professionals in the Amherst Biotechnology Community.
Participate in an Innovative Academic Market
University of Massachusetts, Amherst is a top-tier research institution with a demand for laboratory supplies and research products. Ready to demo your lab products? Click below!
At Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.'s premium events, exhibitors will find the opportunity to showcase their products and services in a receptive academic marketplace. Besides a booth for on-site promotion, exhibitors will also receive extensive print and online advertising for their company. For more information, please contact us at (530) 272-6675
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