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BioResearch Product Faire™
Longwood Medical

Meet With Researchers in a Billion-Dollar Research and Development Marketplace

Harvard University is home to the largest comprehensive cancer center in the world (Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center), this marketplace receives millions in public and private funding from foundations and individuals. It’s a large and growing market opportunity for lab supply companies looking to expand their reach.


Key Stats:


  • 2018 Total R&D Expenditures: $1,173,371,000
  • Ranked 9th in Total R&D Expenditures
  • 2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $656,790,000
  • 2020 NIH Medical School Funding: $178,569,161
  • Harvard's Clinical and Translational Science Center received $19M from the NIH in 2020.  The Center has received over $64M in funding since 2018.

  • Construction was completed in 2020 on Harvard's new $1 billion science and engineering building. This complex is designed to house 1,000 undergraduate students, 400 graduate students, 450 researchers and 80 faculty members. 

  • Researchers at Harvard University Medical School received $3.6M in 2020 from the NIH, to support an integrated network of multiple core laboratories and 8-10 clinical sites, with the goal of improving care of patients with undiagnosed conditions, and researching their underlying etiologies.  The program has received $25.4M in funding since 2014.
  • Harvard University Researchers received $3.6M in 2020 from the NIH, to study the function of dopaminergic midbrain centers in controlling motor actions.  The program has received $7.3M in funding since 2019.


Harvard University

Demonstrate Your Research Products at this Virtual Boston Event

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