Science Market Update

Research Grant Awarded for Cheese Research at Wisconsin

Written by Sam Asher | Tue, Oct 02, 2012

Wisconsin is universally known for its abundance of milk and cheese products, which establish its reputation as the “Dairy State.” Therefore, it stands to reason that the University of Wisconsin at Madison would have a fantastic Center for Dairy Research (CDR) at the forefront of cheese research. According to the CDR Homepage, this includes studying the functional and physical properties of cheese, create new flavors and varieties of cheeses, and investigate technologies for cheese production, safety, and quality.

So what’s special about the University of Wisconsin’s cheese research? For one, it’s earned the university one of seven $1 million i6 Challenge Grants from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The grants are given to research agencies and institutions that “accelerate technology commercialization, new venture formation, job creation, and economic growth across the United States,” according to the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which oversees the distribution of the grants. What’s more, the grant will be matched by both the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. The former will provide incentives for Wisconsin firms to commercialize dairy technologies produced at the CDR, while the latter will assist with consumer marketing and advertising. Thanks to all of this support, it looks like the Center for Dairy Research has got all of its financial bases covered.

The University of Wisconsin has big plans for its new grant. In a recent press release, CDR director John Lucey discusses upcoming CDR initiatives, which include creating more valuable uses of cheese to increase exports, formulating more effective production techniques to keep up with expanding Asian markets, and developing healthier dairy-based foods for use in school cafeterias. On further implications for the grant, Lucey says:

"The CDR strives to go beyond the research lab, partnering with industry to assist dairy companies in developing innovative products and processes that will help them grow. This grant will allow us to enter a new phase and provide for even greater partnership between CDR and the industry."

The bottom line is, this grant is providing the CDR with the opportunity to apply its cheese research to dairy industries worldwide. When the next big invention turns out to be a cheese product, we'll know to thank the University of Wisconsin. If you're interested in further award and funding information for the university, have a look at our funding statistics page.


Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. will be visiting the University of Wisconsin for two of our BioResearch Product Faire™ events next fall.  We are a full-service event marketing and planning company producing on-campus, life science research trade shows nationwide for the past 20 years. We plan and promote each event to bring the best products and services to campuses across the country, ensuring that scientists have access to the latest tools and technologies available for their research labs. There is still space available at our Madison BioResearch Product Faire™, closely followed by the Madison University Research Park BioResearch Product Faire™. To find a show closer to home, please look at our 2013 schedule.