Science Researcher Update

New Approaches to Morphogenesis: Live Imaging & Quantitative Modeling Course

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 23, 2013 12:27:00 PM

New Approaches to Morphogenesis: Live Imaging and Quantitative Modeling

Course - Santa Barbara, CA, United States

New interdisciplinary Summer Research Course run by the Santa Barbara Advanced School of Quantitative Biology in collaboration with the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the California Nano-Science Institute at UCSB. The inaugural session of the Summer Course, "New Approaches to Morphogenesis: Live Imaging and Quantitative Modeling"  is scheduled for July 22 - August 24, 2013 at UCSB.  This interdisciplinary course is aimed at postdocs and advanced graduate students with Physical, Mathematical or life Science backgrounds. 

This Course will focus on the fundamental problem of understanding the dynamics of morphogenesis: the process that converts the genetic blueprint of a multicellular organism into the complex physical structure. How does the morphogenetic "program" of animal development convert genetic information into shape, form and function? To answer this question one needs to understand the dynamics of controlled growth and differentiation, which is directed by intercellular signals and unfolds on the mesoscopic scale of growing tissues. Morphogenesis involves numerous interacting processes that result in phenotypes of great complexity, disentanging which requires quantitative models and quantitative measurements. Thus the goal of the Course is to advance the D'Arcy Thompson's agenda of quantitative description of "Growth and Form" using the full power of modern imaging and molecular genetics which makes the field ready for rapid progress.

(Courtesy of University of California, Santa Barbara, via

Please visit for course description and the on-line application form.

22 July – 24 August 2013

Santa Barbara Advanced School of Quantitative Biology, Santa Barbara, United States

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