Science Researcher Update

Stochastic, statistical & computational approaches to Immunology Workshop

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 12, 2013 7:59:00 AM

Stochastic, statistical and computational approaches to Immunology

Workshop - Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The primary objective of this workshop is to continue the current effort in Mathematical Immunology that has been initiated by a series of international meetings.

The second objective of the workshop is to enhance and train the strong mathematical immunology community emerging in the UK, with particular emphasis on young scientists in the field. The workshop will bring state-of-the-art knowledge to the UK community, improve communication between the two main groups involved (immunologists and modellers=mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists), disseminate new results and encourage novel approaches/methodologies to existing open problems.

The workshop will consist of both invited and contributed talks, introductory lectures and problem-posing talks. The workshop will focus on stochastic, statistical and computational approaches to Immunology and will include the following topics: stochastic processes in Immunology, statistical analysis of censored data, challenges for multi-scale modelling, T cell receptor diversity, and T cell immunology and modelling in the thymus and in the periphery.

(Courtesy of ICMS logo, via

Stochastic, statistical and computational approaches to Immunology

Mon, Jul 22, 2013 - Fri, Jul 26, 2013

ICMS, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA, United Kingdom

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