Science Researcher Update

Intensive Laboratory and Lecture Course on Proteomics

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 4, 2013 1:24:00 PM


Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

This intensive laboratory and lecture course will focus on cutting-edge proteomic approaches and technologies. Students will gain practical experience purifying and identifying protein complexes and posttranslational modifications. In a section focused on quantitative whole proteome analyses or top-down proteomics, students will gain hands-on experience using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis. Students will use differential in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) for gel-based protein quantification. Differentially expressed proteins will be recognized by statistical methods using advanced gel analysis software and identified using MALDI mass spectrometry. For shotgun proteomic analysis sections or bottom-up proteomics, students will use label-free and covalent isotopic-labeling quantitative approaches to differentially profile changes in protein complexes and whole proteomes. Students will be trained in high-sensitivity microcapillary liquid chromatography coupled with nanospray-ESI and tandem mass spectrometry analysis. Students will learn both single-dimension and multidimensional separation methods. In a section focused on targeted proteomics, students will learn to analyze and process shotgun proteomic data for the development of SRM/MRM assays that accurately identify and quantify targeted proteins. Students will design transitions for selected peptides and perform SRM/MRM mass spectrometry assays.

(Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor, United States, via


Tue, Jul 09, 2013 - Wed, Jul 24, 2013

CSHL Campus, Cold Spring Harbor, United States

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