Science Researcher Update

European Symposium of Biopathology 2013

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 9, 2013 10:12:00 AM

European Symposium of Biopathology 2013

Symposium - Paris, France

Biopathology (or integrative pathology) is an emerging medical specialty joining molecular biology and clinical pathology.

Biopathology is the link between tissue biomarkers and targeted therapy, indicating molecular targets to specific drugs as therapeutic antibodies or small molecules.

This new investigative field is based on innovating technologies permitting nucleic acids or proteins extraction from small or FFPE samples, gene mutation or fusion transcript detection, RNA or protein expression study.

This symposium is dedicated to an audience of 300 pathologists, oncologist, molecular biologists, companies of biotechnology and pharmaceutics.

(Courtesy of Paris Biopathology Symposium, via

European Symposium of Biopathology 2013

Thu, Jun 13, 2013 - Fri, Jun 14, 2013

Auditorium Paris Centre Marceau

12, Avenue Marceau, 75008, Paris, France

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