Science Researcher Update

Career/Funding Opportunities in Biomedical Research in India

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 30, 2013 8:33:00 AM

Career/Funding Opportunities in Biomedical Research in India by the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance

Seminar - UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States

The   Wellcome   Trust/DBT   India   Alliance   is   an   equal,  exciting   unique partnership   between   The   Wellcome   Trust,   UK   and   the   Department   of Biotechnology, Government of India. With a 5-year commitment of £80 million,  the  India  Alliance   aims   to  build  scientific  excellence  in  the Indian biomedical research community by supporting future leaders.

The   India   Alliance   offers   four   Fellowship   schemes   to   basic  biomedical scientists,  clinicians,  public  health  researchers   and   veterinarians, who wish  to  pursue  academic    research   in  India. The  eligibility   for  these fellowships     is  international  in  nature,  including   to  those   of Indian nationals/origin. The four schemes are: Margdarshi, Senior, Intermediate and Early Career.    These are highly competitive aimed at key stages of a
scientist’s   career   by   providing   flexible   and   generous   funding   to   enable
researchers to perform internationally competitive science.

This special presentation by Dr. Jameel will focus on these India Alliance Fellowship schemes and other related activities.  It will offer insights on how to initiate a biomedical research career in India and to explore a new culture while doing exciting science.

Speaker:  Dr. Shahid Jameel, Chief Executive Officer, India Alliance

(Photo courtesy of Dr. Shahid Jameel, via

The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance

Please  visit:  for   more   details   on   programs, projects and the scientists supported by the Indian Alliance.

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 (10am-12pm)

Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior (CNCB), Large Conference Room, UCSD, San Diego

Contact: Gulam Syed, 858-822-1747

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