Science Researcher Update

Workshop on Equilibration and Thermalization in Quantum Systems

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 8, 2013 12:29:00 PM

Equilibration and Thermalization in Quantum Systems

Conference and Workshop - Stellenbosch, South Africa

Recent progress in manipulating cold atoms and ions has brought the study of non-equilibrium behavior of isolated quantum systems into the focus of research. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from a variety of fields related to this topic, including quantum information, statistical physics, mathematical physics, cold atoms and condensed matter physics. See further below for a more detailed description of topics covered by this workshop.

A (1+1)-week workshop. During the first week there will be 6 talks of 45min each per day, with an extended lunch break of 3 hours in between, giving ample opportunities for discussions. All participants are expected to stay at least for the first week of the workshop. The second week is intended for a smaller group of people. Offices will be available for the participants in the second week and, apart from 1 or 2 talks per day, the rest of the time will be available for discussions, collaborations, or individual work as participants see fit.

(Courtesy of quantum systems as they approach thermal equilibrium, via

Equilibration and Thermalization in Quantum Systems

Conference week: Monday, 15 April 2013 to Friday, 19 April 2013

Additional workshop week: 22 - 26 April 2013 (optional)

National Institute for Theoretical Physics, Wallenberg Research Centre, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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