Science Researcher Update

Ethics of Pediatric Research Intensive Course

Written by BCI Staff | Mar 19, 2013 12:01:00 AM

Ethics of Pediatric Research

Course - Padova, Italy

Of all types of research involving human subjects, research on children is the one which has undergone the most profound evolution: from the initial banning to prevent any exploitation of vulnerable subjects, to the widespread recognition of the need for this research in order to grant children treatments and drugs that have been specifically tested for that population.

As a consequence of the moral and epistemological justification of pediatric research, the number of studies involving children is rapidly increasing all around the world.
This phenomenon requires however the refinement of the traditional moral requirements of biomedical research (especially informed consent and risk assessment) in order to adapt them to the specific characteristics of children.
This challenge must be taken up by all people involved in pediatric research (especially members of Research Ethics Committees) who wish to promote excellence in research while granting children the necessary protection, avoiding in particular the risk that economical pressure compromise the moral and scientific soundness of the studies.

(Courtesy of Padua. From Wikipedia,

Ethics of Pediatric Research

May 13-15, 2013

Padova, Italy

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