Science Researcher Update

Bioinformatics & Data Management Strategies Workshop

Written by BCI Staff | Mar 16, 2013 5:17:00 PM

Bioinformatics & Data Management Strategies

Workshop - San Francisco, CA, United States

While the widespread adoption of next-generation sequencing in laboratories around the world is revolutionizing genomic research, scientists remain challenged by the task of handling the wealth of sequencing data.  GTC’s Bioinformatics and Data Management Strategies Workshop is a half-day seminar dedicated to helping users in discussing the issues and developing solutions to these problems.  Bioinformatics experts will present on methods and best practices for data management, analysis and interpretation in a variety of sequencing applications.  Additional topics include optimization of work flow, software utilization and cloud computing.

The Bioinformatics and Data Management Strategies Workshop on June 19th is a pre-conference workshop as part of the  Nucleic Acid Summit which consists of the following two tracks: 

• 3rd Next-Generation Sequencing 

• 4th RNAi Research & Therapeutics  

(Courtesy of San Francisco, CA, via

Bioinformatics & Data Management Strategies

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hotel Kabuki, 1625 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

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