Cell Symposia: Functional RNAs
Symposium - Sitges, Spain
Biology has yielded many surprises, but one of the greatest has certainly been the discovery that the human genome encodes only ~20,000 protein-coding genes, representing <2% of the total genome. As if that were not enough, it turns out that 90% of the genome is actively transcribed. These RNAs are more than a collection of protein-coding genes and their splice variants. Instead, they are the result of extensive antisense, overlapping, and non-coding RNA expression. Although initially dismissed as spurious transcriptional noise, recent evidence suggests that the so-called "dark matter" of the genome may play major biological roles in cellular development and metabolism.
The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers who are experts in RNA chemistry and biology with those who want to learn about RNA. The idea is to cover the basics in order to bring all participants quickly up to speed and then move on to the major questions in the field. The sessions will encompass a range of topics, such as the properties of RNA, RNA recognition and RNP assembly, and the function of RNPs in cellular development and disease. By providing ample time for questions and discussion, we hope that all participants will come away with a renewed appreciation for “life's indispensable molecule.”
(Courtesy of Functional RNAs, via en.wikipedia.org)
Sun, Dec 02, 2012 - Tue, Dec 04, 2012
Hotel Melia, Sitges, Spain
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