Science Researcher Update

The New Age of Antibody Therapeutics: Life Sciences Symposium

Written by BCI Staff | Oct 18, 2012 9:13:00 AM

The New Age of Antibody Therapeutics

Symposium - New York, United States

With more than 30 approved monoclonal antibody therapeutics on the market and hundreds of candidate molecules in the clinical and pre-clinical stages of testing, the development of therapeutic antibodies is a blooming field enjoying its Renaissance age. The disease indications for antibody therapeutics are rapidly diversifying beyond the two primary areas of oncology and inflammatory diseases, as exemplified by an increasing number of clinical programs in infectious diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, and metabolic diseases. The modulation of novel targets and disease pathways are being actively pursued with antibody therapeutic candidates, and new modalities as well as innovative therapeutic approaches are being intensely explored to complement the traditional monoclonal antibody therapeutics. Despite the current success of the field, significant challenges remain, particularly on how to effectively translate antibody therapeutic candidates from research into the clinic. At this symposium, we will highlight how emerging scientific understanding of diseases and cutting-edge pharmaceutical technologies are applied to the development of next-generation antibody therapeutics. We intend to lay down the framework for addressing the translational challenges and discuss the future direction of the field.

Tue, Oct 23, 2012 - Tue, Oct 23, 2012

The New York Academy of Sciences

250 Greenwich Street, 40th Fl, New York, United States

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