Science Researcher Update

Cardiovascular Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease

Written by BCI Staff | Oct 17, 2012 4:33:00 PM

Cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease: Why is it increased and what can we do about it?

Conference - London, United Kingdom

This meeting will explore increased cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease, focusing on assesing risk factors and reviewing effectiveness of intervention.

Cardiovascular risk in patients with CKD: Lessons from epidemiology.

Arterial pathology in chronic kidney disease.

Endothelial function in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Structural cardiac disease in chronic kidney disease.

What are the proven benefits of blood pressure reduction in patients with chronic kidney disease?

Impact on CVD of treatment of anaemia in chronic kidney disease.

Lessons from vascular calcification in children on dialysis: A bone to pick.

Mon, Oct 22, 2012 - Mon, Oct 22, 2012

The Royal Society of Medicine

1 Wimpole Street, London, United Kingdom

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