Science Researcher Update

European Science Foundation Research Conferences

Written by BCI Staff | Aug 31, 2012 3:18:00 PM

Functional genomics in cell culture technology: from sequence to function and application

  Conference - Bielefeld, Germany

This conference is organized in partnership with the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld (Germany) and is chaired by Pr. Thomas Noll, Bielefeld University

Despite all progress and commercial success, the development of production cell lines and fermentation processes with mammalian cells is to a large extent still based on empirical knowledge and historical experience. This is mainly due to missing qualitative, quantitative data, and understanding of intracellular mechanisms under bioprocess conditions. Recent advances in ‘omics tools and the rapidly growing availability of sequence data from production cells pave the way for rational bioprocess and cell line development based on a thorough understanding of cell physiology. This conference will highlight recent advances in genomics and functional genomics in cell culture technology including: transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and other innovative technologies. Presentations are sought in both the development of such tools as well as their application.

 23-26 September 2012

Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld, Germany

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