Science Researcher Update

UICC World Cancer Congress

Written by BCI Staff | Aug 6, 2012 12:35:00 PM

World Cancer Congress

 Congress - Montréal, Canada

UICC and its hosts Fondation québécoise du cancer, McGill University and Université de Montréal; are pleased to announce that the next UICC World Cancer Congress will take place from the 27-30 August 2012 at the Palais des congrès Montréal, Canada.

Held every two years, the Congress represents a unique and ideal platform for the international cancer control community to meet, discuss, share, learn and connect in order to find solutions to reduce the impact of cancer on communities around the world. With this in mind the theme for the 2012 congress is "Connecting for Global Impact" and highlights the need for continued support and momentum in translating the benefits of knowledge gained through research and practice to those living with and affected by cancer.

We invite you to join us at this unique event to connect and exchange ideas with your international cancer control colleagues whilst discovering the art, culture, cuisine and vibrancy of Montréal

The theme for the 2012 UICC World Cancer Congress is Connecting for Global Impact – and highlights the need for continued support and momentum in translating the benefits of knowledge gained through research and practice to those living with and affected by cancer. 

UICC believes this can be achieved through global actions, which will result through connections and partnerships made through the international cancer control community at the Congress.

To increase connections, as well as learning and interactions, the 2012 meeting will focus on providing education and training opportunities throughout the programme including interactive meetings, forums, workshops and sessions. The preliminary programme is now available for download below.

Together we can save millions of lives by focusing on what needs to be done and taking the lead in:

• Putting cancer on the global health agenda
• Convening the cancer community
• Running global programmes

On top of the programme, the new UICC Global Village will represent an ideal platform for fellow participants to network and connect. 
Don't miss the opportunity to attend the 22nd edition of the UICC World Cancer Congress and participate in a dynamic and vibrant meeting held over 4 days.

(Courtesy of

Mon, Aug 27, 2012 - Thu, Aug 30, 2012

Palais des congrès de Montréal

Montréal, Canada

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