Science Researcher Update

Life Sciences Course: Complexity and Modeling Program C.A.M.P.

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 6, 2012 7:48:00 AM

Complexity Schools: Complexity and Modeling Program C.A.M.P.

Bioinformatics Course - Fairfax, United States

Complexity Scholars trained at the Santa Fe Institute are working to understand the theoretical foundations and patterns underlying the systems most critical to our future -- economies, ecosystems, conflict, disease, human social institutions, and the global condition.

To fully understand these complex adaptive systems, with their deep interdependencies and emergent behaviors at many scales, a new kind of science is needed. One that relies on the synthesis of many scientific perspectives. One that unravels today’s most complex problems with revolutionary theories derived both from careful observation of real-world phenomena and proven scientific principles.

8th - 23rd July 2012

Santa Fe Institute, Fairfax, United States

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