Science Researcher Update

Scientific Research: Microfluidics 2012

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 27, 2012 8:45:00 PM

Microfluidics 2012

 Conference - Heidelberg, Germany

Microfluidics is a quickly growing, highly interdisciplinary field at the interface of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology. Over the past years microfluidic approaches have been used for a variety of applications, including chemical synthesis, nucleotide sequencing, functional genomics and single molecule/ single cell/ single organism studies. Many of these applications, including next-generation sequencing devices, have been revolutionized by miniaturization, paving the way for global gene analysis and hence transforming biology.

The EMBL Microfluidics Conference 2012 aims to bring together top researchers in the field and to spark scientific exchange, also across different disciplines. The latest Lab-on-a-Chip technologies and applications will be presented, which should be of major interest for experts as well as scientists looking for a first glance at this exciting new technology.

(Photo courtesy of

Wednesday 25 July - Friday 27 July 2012

EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

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