Science Researcher Update

Vendor Management in Clinical Trials

Written by BCI Staff | May 9, 2012 5:16:00 PM

Vendor Management in Clinical Trials

Conference - Boston, MA, United States

Barnett International and Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Ensuring Quality through Effective Assessment, Qualification, Auditing, and Communication

With growing regulatory expectations for a quality systems-based approach to GCP compliance, sponsors must be certain that their third party vendor partners are “inspection ready.” Barnett International and Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural Vendor Management in Clinical Trials conference will feature strategies and tools for assessing, implementing, and improving quality when partnering with clinical service providers. Speakers will share their experiences in vendor selection and contracting, defining and implementing quality metrics with their vendor partners, and auditing clinical service providers with current regulatory inspection trends in mind. Presentations will feature case studies, take-away tools, perspectives on the current regulatory environment, and interactive activities.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 to Thursday, June 7, 2012 (8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

Boston, Massachusetts

Contact: Nilufer Donmez (

                                                 Phone: 781-247-6257

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