Science Researcher Update

Biology Research Course: Electron Microscopy and Stereology in Cell Biology

Written by BCI Staff | May 5, 2012 11:10:00 AM

 Electron Microscopy and Stereology in Cell Biology

Practical Course - Czech Republic

The aim of this course is to teach cutting-edge EM techniques for Cell Biologists on a high theoretical and practical level. EM is technically one of the most demanding set of approaches to learn; many aspects can only reasonably be understood by watching a specialist. Despite the vast number of technical books available, there is clearly no substitute for hands-on training. Therefore the main emphasis in this course is put on the practical training.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of structure-function relationships in the cell, it is necessary to implement affinity cytochemistry at the EM level.

Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry represents the most definite technique to identify specific cell structures in situ with sufficient spatial resolution.

(Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, June 12 to  Friday, June 22, 2012

 České Budějovice,  Czech Republic

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