The 4th International Exhibition on BioPharma, Biotechnology & Equipment 2012
Trade Show with Conference - Shenzhen, China
Science, technology and innovation is playing a crucial role as governments are competing in an increasingly competitive global market. As a national strategy, China is trying to build an economy that relies on innovation, one that can grow on a truly global, commercially significant scale. Recognized as China’s number one technology show, the state-level, international hi-tech event, China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) aims to help government achieve the above mission, and has provided a platform for technology companies all over the world to showcase their technological achievements, exchange information, identify collaboration partners and explore business opportunities.
Exhibitor information
Biologics and Immunochemical, Biotech Specialties, Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications, Biotech Equipment of Laboratories, Facilities and Engineering Services, Biological Pharmaceuticals and Equipment.
(Photo courtesy of
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 to Friday, May 11, 2012
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center
Fuhua 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
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