Science Researcher Update

ISSX 2012 18th North American Regional Scientific Research Meeting

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 7, 2012 11:28:00 PM

ISSX 2012 18th North American Regional Meeting

 Meeting - Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

The Meeting aims to bring together many internationally renowned scientists and young scientists from academia and industry, working on drug/xenobiotic research in diverse fields including basic and clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, toxicology, oncology, endocrinology, physiology, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, drug discovery and development, molecular and structural biology and genetics, and other related areas.

The scientific program will include recent advances on the structure, function and regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters; omics based technologies for drug discovery and for drug/xenobiotic toxicity assessment; physiologic and/or toxicological roles of novel extrahepatic drug metabolizing enzymes; prediction and mechanisms of adverse drug reactions; environmental toxicology and health, and chemical carcinogenesis. Exciting sessions will be devoted to pharmacoepigenetic and microRNA dependent drug metabolism and action; toxicogenomics, a predictive tool in toxicology and drug development; epigenomics – impact for drug safety sciences; nutrition and cancer prevention; pharmacogenomics and cancer treatment; oxidative stress, DNA damage and repair and biological considerations. Contemporary issues in drug/xenobiotic research including bioengineering of new enzymes, nanotechnology and stem cell research will also be in the scientific program.

Sunday, October 14, 2012  to Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hilton Anatole Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

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