Science Researcher Update

2nd Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Liver Metabolism, Diseases & Cancer

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 14, 2014 10:30:00 PM

Liver Metabolism, Diseases and Cancer

Conference - Suzhou, China

Major Topics:
1. Liver metabolism in health and diseases
2. Liver stem cells and liver cancer stem cells
3. Liver development and organogenesis
4. Bile acid cycling and hepatic lipid metabolism
5. Liver injury and regeneration
6. Liver fibrosis and cirrhosis
7. Liver, inflammation and cancer
8. Liver cancer, clinic and translational medicine

Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Asia


(Courtesy of Liver Metabolism, via

Liver Metabolism, Diseases and Cancer

Mon, May 19, 2014 - Fri, May 23, 2014

Suzhou Industrial Park Conference Center

Suzhou, China

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