Science Researcher Update

Joint CINF-RSC CICAG Symposium: Chemical Schemas, Taxonomies & Ontologies

Written by BCI Staff | Feb 19, 2014 12:07:00 AM

Joint CINF-RSC CICAG Symposium: Chemical Schemas, Taxonomies and Ontologies

Symposium - Dallas, TX, United States

ACS organizes two national meetings & expositions each year, and each one attracts an estimated 11,000 to 13,000 chemists, chemical engineers, academicians, graduate and undergraduate students, and other related professionals. During the meeting, scientists present new multidisciplinary research, hear the latest information in their areas of professional interest, and network with colleagues. Programming is planned by our 33 technical divisions that cover all scientific fields, secretariats that focus on multidisciplinary programming, and ACS committees.

Each meeting will feature more than 7,000 presentations organized into technical symposia that highlight important research advances.With between 7,000 and 9,000 papers presented at each meeting in hundreds of half-day oral sessions and nearly 100 poster sessions, the opportunities to encounter cutting-edge science are endless. ACS national meetings & expositions offer researchers the chance to publish their work at one of the most respected scientific meetings in the world.

Organization: RSC CICAG, ACS CINF

(Courtesy of Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX, via

For more information, please visit:

16 March 2014 - 20 March 2014 (09:00 - 17:00)

Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, United States

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