Science Researcher Update

EMBO Practical Course 2014: Computational Biology: Genomes to Systems

Written by BCI Staff | Feb 16, 2014 6:49:00 PM

Computational Biology: Genomes to Systems

Course - Puerto Varas, Chile

This EMBO Practical Course will teach advanced methods and applications of computational biology for high throughput data analysis in molecular biology. Its primarily addresses early stage experimental biologists interested in large scale data analysis and computational scientists with previously limited exposure to experimental biology. Practical skills for data analysis will be developed in seven half-day sessions and applied in a joint research project. The course will conclude with a symposium where the speakers of the course will present their scientific research.

Organization: EMBO

(Courtesy of Hotel Cumbres Patagónicas, Puerto Varas, Chile, via

Computational Biology: Genomes to Systems

Thu, Apr 03, 2014 - Wed, Apr 09, 2014

Hotel Cumbres Patagónicas,

Imperial 0561, Puerto Varas, Chile

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