Science Researcher Update

3rd International Conference on Prehypertension & Cardio Metabolic Syndrome

Written by BCI Staff | Feb 3, 2014 7:40:00 PM

PreHT 2014 - The 3rd International Conference on Prehypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome

Conference - Warsaw, Poland

Prehypertension is usually associated with other components of the metabolic syndrome i.e. obesity, glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia. This association is due to common mechanistic pathways and has implications on cardiovascular complications. Diet and exercise with or without drug therapy benefit all components of the metabolic syndrome. Antihypertensive medications may lead to deterioration in glucose tolerance while glucose lowering agents may affect blood pressure. Thus, any discussion about the approach to prehypertension must be done in context to the whole cardio metabolic risk.
The Conference will aim to deal with all aspects related to early diagnosis, including innovative technologies and treatments and will bring together professionals from the fields of Hypertension, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, Cardiology and more.

Organization: Paragon Group

(Courtesy of The 3rd International Conference on Prehypertension & Cardio Metabolic Syndrome logo, via

PreHT 2014 - The 3rd International Conference on Prehypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome

Thu, Mar 27, 2014 - Sun, Mar 30, 2014

Sheraton Warsaw Hotel

Bolesława Prusa 2, Warsaw, Poland

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