Science Researcher Update

12th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis

Written by BCI Staff | Feb 1, 2014 12:14:00 PM

12th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis

Conference - New Orleans, LA, United States

This is the 12th conference in the highly successful ASM conference series that addresses Candida – a major cause of infectious disease in AIDS patients, cancer chemotherapy patients, premature infants, and many others. This conference, which is the top conference in the area, will provide a vital forum for the Candida research community to present the latest advances and ideas about the diagnosis and treatment of Candida infections, antifungal drug resistance, the genomics and epidemiology of the fungus, the molecular mechanisms that underpin Candida pathobiology, and the immunological responses of the host to the fungus. In addition to inviting abstracts in these areas, the organizers are inviting abstracts from clinicians for a new session on Candida Case Reports. Once again, most talks at the conference will be selected from the submitted abstracts. This conference will help determine the course of future research in this area and empower major ongoing efforts to understand, treat, and prevent Candida infections.

Organization: American Society for Microbiology

(Courtesy of Candidiasis (Thrush), via

12th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis

Wed, Mar 26, 2014 - Sun, Mar 30, 2014

The Hyatt Regency New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

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