Science Researcher Update

EMBO Workshop in Mechanisms of Neuronal Remodelling

Written by BCI Staff | Jan 27, 2014 8:57:00 PM

Mechanisms of Neuronal Remodelling

Workshop - Ein Gedi, Israel

During neural development, exuberant connections are first formed and later eliminated by regressive changes in neuronal morphology, which establish the mature pattern of dendrites and axons. Such neuronal remodelling is widespread across the animal kingdom, from insects to humans, and forms an essential part of nervous system wiring.  As excessive or reduced neuronal remodelling might contribute to neurological diseases, remodelling is a Janus-faced process with physiological, as well as pathological roles - akin to programmed cell death. Understanding how neurites are remodeled during development should provide a broader insight into the process of axon destruction during disease and following injury. This EMBO Workshop will focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal remodelling across different animal models and their relation to the proper function of the nervous system.

This EMBO Workshop is cofunded by the Israeli Science Foundation, the Mizarchi Foundation and is also the 43rd Katzir centre supported conference.

Organization: EMBO

(Courtesy of the nervous system, via

Mechanisms of Neuronal Remodelling

Sat, Mar 22, 2014 - Wed, Mar 26, 2014

Ein Gedi, Israel

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