Science Researcher Update

Keystone Symposia: Molecular Cell Biology of Macrophages in Human Diseases

Written by BCI Staff | Jan 20, 2014 9:01:00 PM

(B2) Keystone Symposia: Molecular Cell Biology of Macrophages in Human Diseases

Conference - Santa Fe, NM, United States

The conference will:
• Apply to our understanding of macrophages in human diseases recent methodological and conceptual developments, including advances in genetics and epigenetics, fate mapping and intravital imaging;
• Bring together immunologists, geneticists, developmental biologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists and clinician scientists working in the fields of macrophage biology and cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases to establish international and multi-disciplinary collaborations and development of potential novel therapies;
• Showcase the work of a wide range of young scientists via three workshops with speakers selected from submitted abstracts.

Session Topics:
• Genetics and Genomics of Macrophage Development and Function
• Macrophage Subsets and Effector Functions
• Macrophage Cell Biology and Migration
• Macrophages in Inflammatory and Metabolic Diseases
• Macrophages and Infectious, Inflammatory and Metabolic Diseases
plus workshops on “Genetics of Macrophages” and “In vivo Imaging”

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology

(Courtesy of a macrophage cell, via

(B2) Keystone Symposia: Molecular Cell Biology of Macrophages in Human Diseases

Sun, Feb 09, 2014 - Fri, Feb 14, 2014

Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza Hotel

Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

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