Science Researcher Update

Maximizing Clinical Outcome Assessments Conference

Written by BCI Staff | Dec 11, 2013 11:03:00 AM

Maximizing Clinical Outcome Assessments Conference

Conference - Alexandria, VA, United States

Clinical Outcome Assessments within the pharmaceutical industry provide critical data to researchers to support a variety of claims, from safety to cost-effective­ness, to regulatory bodies as well as healthcare providers and third-party payers. While outcomes information has been collected for some time, and both from a wide variety of sources and in varied formats, there has been little harmonization in the ultimate reporting and utilization of this critical information. Pharmaceutical executives are eager to maximize the use of outcome assessments, but must un­derstand the optimal tools that will enable them to effectively collect, validate, and analyze the information gathered from patients, clinicians and proxy care-givers. The Q1 Clinical Outcome Assessments conference will provide an opportunity for executives throughout the industry for high-level education and networking, blend­ing perspectives from academia, industry-veterans, and regulatory authorities.

Organization: Q1 Productions

(Courtesy of Q1 Productions' logo, via

Maximizing Clinical Outcome Assessments Conference

Mon, Jan 13, 2014 - Tue, Jan 14, 2014

Alexandria, VA

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