Science Researcher Update

5th Annual UCSD Center for Chronobiology Symposium, "From Cells to Clinic"

Written by BCI Staff | Nov 28, 2013 9:35:00 AM

5th Annual UCSD Center for Chronobiology Symposium, "From Cells to Clinic"

Symposium - San Diego, CA, United States

Once again, the UCSD Center for Chronobiology is inviting a select, stellar group of chronobiologists from around the world, and a few local colleagues, to speak at this 5th annual chronobiology symposium. We expect strong participation from our 34 PIs here in the CCB and their research personnel, and can accommodate a limited number of registrants from other institutions as well.

The aims of the conference are to:

1.Provide participants with a comprehensive view of modern Chronobiology.

2.Exchange a broad spectrum of ideas and techniques in Chronobiology.

3.Promote interactions among the faculty and lab personnel of the UCSD Chronobiology Center, the invited speakers, and other participants.

4.Further acquaint the speakers, their groups, and other registrants with the depth and breadth of Chronobiology research conducted at UCSD.

Organization: UCSD Center for Chronobiology

(Photo from last year's symposium, via

Symposium website:

Registration website:

February 5-7, 2014 

UCSD Sanford Consortium, San Diego, CA, United States

Contact: Pattie Magallanez CCB Administrative Specialist (

Phone: (858) 534-4409

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