Science Researcher Update

Barcelona BioMed Conference. Gene Translation: Fidelity & Quality Control

Written by BCI Staff | Nov 23, 2013 6:15:00 PM

Barcelona BioMed Conference. Gene Translation: Fidelity and Quality Control

Conference - Barcelona, Spain

Research on gene translation is beginning to converge with studies on the regulatory mechanisms of cell cycle and metabolism. Transfer RNAs, the adaptor molecules of the genetic code, are emerging as key players in the many mechanisms of control that tightly couple protein synthesis to the main signaling pathways that modulate cell biology. As these connections continue to be discovered it is becoming increasingly necessary to establish a fluid dialogue between laboratories that approach the problem from its many different perspectives. This conference is designed to serve this purpose.

The focus of the conference will be on the growing number of connections between tRNA and cell biology and disease. We have assembled leading researchers whose work stems from or leads to tRNA in order to promote a multidisciplinary discussion, and to stimulate connections and collaborations that can contribute to a better understanding of the biological networks that converge or rely on tRNAs. Anyone with an interest in the mechanisms of control of gene translation and its many functional ramifications is invited.

Organization: Institute for Research in Biomedicine / BBVA Foundation


(Courtesy of Ribosome mRNA translation, via

Barcelona BioMed Conference. Gene Translation: Fidelity and Quality Control

Mon, Dec 02, 2013 - Wed, Dec 04, 2013

Institut d'Estudis Catalans

C. del Carme, 47, Barcelona, Spain

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